How Dental Implants Reduce Wear, Tear, And Tooth Loss Risk

Getting dental implants may seem like all you're doing is replacing a single missing tooth. However, dental implants serve people in ways that go far beyond cosmetic improvement. If you're considering dental implants, don't forget these three things that they can also help you with.

Abnormal Wear and Tear

Teeth are designed to work together. When you have a full mouth of teeth, each tooth takes on a portion of the force of whatever you're eating or chewing. When a tooth is lost, the neighboring teeth around that empty spot have to make up for the pressure that the tooth once took. This means that you're more likely to experience wear and tear on those remaining teeth.

This kind of pressure can literally wear down your teeth, causing them to become chipped, ragged, or damaged. This could increase the chances that you could need a filling or even crowns in the future to protect your teeth after they've been harmed.

Getting a dental implant means that you're bridging the gap, and that pressure will be evenly distributed again, preventing this problem.

Chance of Tooth Loss

Would it surprise you to learn that wear and tear puts your entire tooth at risk, not just its top that you use to chew? Sadly, this is reality.

Once a tooth has been exposed to too much pressure, it can begin to harm the root underneath. With enough force, a tooth can be permanently damaged deep down and ultimately be lost as a result. This can cause a lot of pain, and you could end up with far more missing teeth than just the one that you haven't had replaced yet.

Jaw Strength

Finally, the bones under or above your teeth have a lot to do with their overall health, too. However, when a tooth is lost, these bones get weaker.

Your natural teeth go all the way down into the bone. After years of using your teeth, your bone has grown around the roots, keeping them strong and healthy. However, if those bones start to thin out, they won't provide adequate support anymore.

To make matters more complicated, jaw strength is a two-way street. Your jaw keeps your teeth in place, and your teeth help to keep the jaw strong. They do this by allowing pressure from your bite to go down into the bone, where it stimulates the growth of new bone. Without evenly distributed, normal levels of pressure, your bone won't grow as many new cells and will thin out and weaken, leaving your other teeth at risk.

Keeping your teeth strong means having all of your teeth. Thankfully, dental implants simulate the appearance and function of real teeth in every way, protecting your surrounding teeth and keeping the jaw strong. Don't think twice about getting dental implants. Set up an a appointment for a dental implant procedure as soon as possible.
