2 Viable Alternatives To Traditional Metal Braces

Many people decide not to fix their teeth that are misaligned due to the methods that are used to fix them. They picture having large metal brackets put on their teeth, causing them to look very unattractive for several months. Be aware of these viable alternatives to traditional braces that you may not be aware of.

1. Self-Ligating Braces

Traditional braces are designed to work by slowly shifting your teeth into the correct position by using a combination of brackets, rubber bands, and archwires. By attaching brackets to the outward facing surface of your teeth, they can be pulled into the proper position. The braces require regular visits to your orthodontist to adjust the strength of the tension put on the archwire, which helps them shift over time into the proper position. Rubber bands are used to provide additional tension to improve the process

Self-ligating braces work a bit differently since they use an archwire that is fed through the braces and don't rely on rubber bands. The result is that the braces can make the adjustments faster than if you used traditional braces with rubber bands and can help you get your teeth in the proper position and have the braces removed. The self-ligating variety of braces are often smaller than their traditional counterpart, making them less noticeable and easier to manage.

2. Plastic Trays

An alternative way to correct your teeth in a way that is not noticeable is by using plastic trays. They have an appearance that is similar to a mouth guard, and when worn, the plastic tray makes them appear transparent. You are given a series of trays that need to be used in a certain order, which gradually shifts your teeth without anybody knowing about it.

Plastic trays are a popular option among adults who are self-conscious about wearing traditional braces or don't want to deal with the hassle of maintaining them. In addition, you will be able to take the plastic trays out whenever you are eating to make it easier to chew your food. You can also remove the trays for easier brushing and flossing.

Not sure if one of these alternative forms of braces is a good idea for you? Schedule a consultation with your local orthodontic services to find out more information. They'll walk you through each correction method, make a recommendation, and answer any questions that you may have about the process before you move forward with getting braces.
