4 Common Quesetions About Overdentures

Are you looking for a way to transform the look of your mouth and replace teeth that are missing? You have a few options to do it, and overdentures are one of them. Here are a few things that you need to know about overdentures so that you can decide if they are right for you. 

How Do Overdentures Work? 

Overdentures are a removable type of denture that works with remaining natural teeth or dental implants. Normal dentures are designed to be used with a person that doesn't have any teeth, and actually rely on adhesives and suction to stay in place, while overdentures depend on artificial or real teeth to stay in place. This can make overdentures more reliable than traditional dentures.

How Does The Process Work To Get Overdentures? 

Since overdentures require teeth for them to work, your dentist will need to do some preparation prior to you getting overdentures. They may need to place implants into your mouth so that the overdentures have something to hold onto. If you have existing teeth in your mouth, then your dentist will make sure that those existing teeth are healthy and capable of supporting your overdentures. Once the dentist knows which teeth they will be working with, they'll fabricate an overdenture that goes on top of the existing teeth. 

Are Overdentures Better For Your Jawbone?

If you have natural teeth in your mouth, then overdentures are going to be the better option in terms of maintaining the health of your teeth. This is because your jawbone remains healthy from the natural stimulation it gets from chewing with your teeth. If you remove the remaining teeth to get overdentures, then the jawbone will not get any regular stimulation. With overdentures, the jawbone will still get regular stimulation whenever you eat, which helps keep it healthy when compared to not having any natural teeth at all. 

Will Overdentures Help With Speaking?

One common problem people have with traditional dentures is that they often have a long adjustment period afterward for talking. That's because you have to get used to artificial teeth that can slip when talking, and you may need to move your tongue in new ways that you are not used to. Overdentures will make it much easier to talk, as the dentures will not slip around in your mouth like traditional dentures. 

Reach out to a dentist for more information about overdentures
