Gum Recession: Causes, Fixes, And Prevention Tips

Gum recession, a common dental issue, is more than just a cosmetic concern. If left untreated, it can lead to increased sensitivity, root decay, and even tooth loss. Understanding the causes and solutions for gum recession can help you maintain a healthy smile. Here are the reasons behind gum recession, the ways to address it, and tips to prevent it.

Causes of Gum Recession

There are a few common reasons why gum recession can happen to anybody. 

  1. Aggressive Brushing: Contrary to popular belief, brushing harder doesn't mean cleaner teeth. Vigorous brushing can lead to gum recession and erode the tooth's enamel.

  2. Periodontal Diseases: Bacterial infections can damage the gum tissue and supporting bone, leading to gum recession. Periodontitis is a primary culprit in many gum recession cases.

  3. Genetics: Some individuals are predisposed to gum diseases, and regardless of their oral care routine, they might still experience gum recession.

  4. Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones during stages like puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can make gums more vulnerable, leading to recession.

While some of these issues are within your control, others may reasons due to your body that make you predisposed to gum recession.

Fixes for Gum Recession

Once you have gum recession, know that there are some ways that you can fix it and restore your smile. 

  1. Deep Cleaning: This procedure involves cleaning the affected area, removing plaque and tartar built up on the teeth and root surfaces. This process might include scaling and root planing.

  2. Gum Grafts: For more severe cases, dentists often use gum grafts. Tissue is taken from another part of the mouth (typically the palate) and attached to the receding areas, promoting natural growth and healing.

  3. Regenerative Procedures: In cases where the bone supporting your teeth has been destroyed due to gum recession, regenerative procedures can be performed. This might involve bone grafts, tissue-stimulating proteins, or membranes to encourage your body's natural ability to regenerate bone and tissue.

Your dentist can assist you with any of these procedures if you want to make sure that your gums are healthy. 

Prevention Tips

Preventing gum recession starts with things that you should be doing on your own.

  1. Regular Dental Check-ups: Visit your dentist at least twice a year. Routine check-ups can detect early signs of gum recession and gum disease.

  2. Proper Brushing Techniques: Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and avoid aggressive brushing. Circular or vertical motions are gentler and more effective than horizontal scrubbing.

  3. Floss Regularly: Flossing once a day can help remove plaque between teeth and near the gum line.

  4. Healthy Diet: Consuming a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can boost the strength of your gums and teeth.

While gum recession might be common, it's not something to overlook. With proper care, prompt treatment, and an emphasis on prevention, you can protect your gums and maintain your oral health. If you suspect you're experiencing gum recession, it's imperative to consult with your dentist to determine the best course of action.
